Let’s Light Up Lives!

This year on Saturday 12th October 2024 we are asking for supporters to join us in our annual sponsored Sleepout in Stockport Town Centre.

The Wellspring sponsored Sleepout is a unique event that allows people to get involved in the most active way. We want to raise funds and awareness this year to highlight the work that we do and allow it to continue.

A Small Insight into Homelessness

Let’s be honest right from the start. We know that spending one night without a roof over our heads will in no way give us a full understanding of what it’s really like to be homeless and sleep on the streets.

The challenges that our users face every day are incredibly complex and individual to each person. However, the Sleepout offers an opportunity for us to consider some small elements of how difficult those challenges are.

If we all can take the time to think about the impact that this would have on our lives, then perhaps we may feel inspired to help.

Sign Up and Sleepout!

Anybody over the age of 14 years old is welcome to register for this event. For those under 18 you must be accompanied by an adult. One adult can be responsible for a maximum of two children.

Please ensure that you register with us so we can plan for numbers and logistics.

All the Details You Need

We will be meeting at The Wellspring from 6.30pm on Saturday 12th October 2024. If you don’t know where we are then you can find the postcode, details, and directions on our contact page.

Please bring your own sleeping bags for the night. You can also bring your own, tents and basic equipment for the sleepout or you can choose to sleep directly outside if you so wish.

Layer Up!

You are advised to bring plenty of layers of clothing with you.

As you can imagine, the Autumnal Stockport air can carry quite a chill, so we want you to be as prepared as possible.

We will provide some light refreshments and access to a toilet throughout the night. Apart from these amenities it will be just us all together, all night.

Sleepout Essentials

Once you register you will receive an email with more instructions on what you can expect and the types of items to bring. In the meantime, you may want to take a look through our Sleepout Essentials below:

What time does the event start and finish?

  • Start: 8pm Saturday 12th October 2024
  • Finish: 8am Sunday 13th October 2024

Where are we meeting?

  • Registration will take place at The Wellspring, Harvey Street, Stockport SK1 1YD at 6.30pm.

Where will I be sleeping?

  • St Mary’s church grounds – grass area

What do I need to bring with me on my sleep out?

  • Shelter to sleep in and keep you dry – pop-up tent, large carboard box etc.
  • Something to sleep on, a roll mat, blow up mattress, pillows
  • Sleeping bag, quilt, warm blankets or even a fleece blanket.
  • Warm clothing- layering is key
  • Hat, scarf & gloves
  • Thermals
  • Lighting
  • Mobile phones – ensure this is fully charged
  • Flask – we will fill this up for you at registration, but refills will not be available.
  • Bottled water
  • Prescribed medication (only bring what you need for the sleepout) as you are personally responsible for them.
  • Snacks if you need them

What will be provided?

  • Access to toilet facilities
  • Initial flask fill
  • An evening of tasks, insight & fun!

Sleepout Sponsorship

We have created a specific JustGiving site for this event.

Click Here to go to Our Just Giving Page

This is the most simple and effective way of collecting your sponsorship. You can use this for any sponsorship you will be collecting or feel free to create your own JustGiving page and link to it. Full details of how to do so are here.

You can also download a sponsor sheet if you plan to collect cash for your sponsorship instead.

Click Here to Download the Sponsorship Form

If you need any help at all then just send us a mail to sleepout@thewellspring.co.uk

You can also arrange your own Sleepout for The Wellspring too!

We will provide you with everything you need and share your amazing efforts with our supporters.
Contact us on sleepout@thewellspring.co.uk and let’s talk!

Let’s Light Up Lives!